Showing posts with label egras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label egras. Show all posts

Friday, 3 April 2015

RVAT Notification related to payment of lump sum in lieu of tax.

NOTIFICATION                       Jaipur. March 31, 2015 

                           En exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Act No. 4 of 2003), read with rule 17A of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Rules 2006, the State Government being of the opinion that it is expedient in public interest so to do, hereby, with effect from 01.04.2015. makes the following amendment in this department’s notification number F.12(59)FDITaxJ2OI4-18 dated 14.07.2014, as amended vide notification number F. I 2(59)FDITaX/20 14-80 dated 30.07.2014 and F. 12(23 )FDiiax/ 2015-201 dated 09.03.2015, namely:A
In the table of the said notification, in column number 3 against serial number I, the existing expression shall be substituted by the following, namely:-
“Rupees one thousand for every rupees two Inc or part thereof, of the turnover of goods mentioned in column number 2 in the relevant period.”

FNo.F. 1 2(23)FD/Tax!20 15-2411

Monday, 22 September 2014 challan

Welcome to e-GRAS
Treasury/Assistant Treasury Offices are requested to Create a DDO login ID in Online budget Allocation with DDO code 2302 for Generating eChallan for Police Recruitment Board
 Online Government Receipts Accounting System (e-GRAS) is an e-Governance Initiative of Government of Haryana under Mission Mode Project category and is part of Integrated Financial Management System. e-GRAS facilitates collection of tax/non tax revenue in both the mode online as well as manual. 
Limited access account with User Name "guest" and Password "guest" For Non-Registred User. 

eEgrass hry Helpline 

In case of any problem you may contact between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in Working Days Only to Concernd TO/STO office.
Email : egrasproblem[at], or Joint Director(DMC) : 0172-2711102In case bank refuses to accept challan cash after two hours from time of generation printed on challan then please contact:
for SBI Ms.Dipali Banerji 8146617615 And for SBOP : Sh. Sorav 08437345015 Kind attention to all DDO's- Change in the procedure for paying money on Government account dated 18-12-2013 

More Refund Of Tax Wrongly Deposited


Saturday, 29 March 2014

Egras helpline phone number

18 -Commercial Taxes Department


Contact Number: 9414130060

Email-ID: [email protected]

Address : ADDRESS

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Egras Challan ई ग्रास चालान कैसे भरें is a website for generating challan to pay vat(value added tax) or any other type of fee or tax to rajasthan government
1. What is 

Online Government Receipts Accounting System (e-GRAS) is an e-Governance Initiative of Government of Rajasthan under Mission Mode Project category and is part of Integrated Financial Management System. e-GRAS facilitates collection of tax/non tax revenue in both the mode online as well as manual. 

2. How to use egras?
Ans: To use egras first you have to register. For Limited access account with User Name "guest" and Password "guest" For Non-Registred User. 

E-Gras को काम में लेने की प्रक्रिया  ई ग्रास चालान 
1- htpps:// की वेबसाइट खोलें 
2- यदि आपके पास पहले से User name एंव Password है तो सम्बंधित कॉलम में User nameएंव Password को डालें अन्यथा User nameएंव Password के कॉलम में  guest भरें
3- स्क्रीन पर दर्शाए गए पञ्च चित्रों में से Select के आगे निर्देशित चित्र का चयन कर उस चित्र को अपनी जगह से उठाकर DROP HERE के गोले में डालें
4- Log In के बटन पर क्लिक करें
5- विभागों की सूची में १८ CommercialTaxes Deptt. का चयन करें
6- Major Head के  Drop Down Box पर क्लिक करें
7- जिस  Head में राशी जमा करनी है उस  Head का चयन करें जैसे 

0040 & बिक्री व्पापार आदि पर कर के लिए 
0042& माल कजे प्रवेश पर कर के लिए (Entry Tax)
8- जिस  Sub Head में राशी जमा करनी है उस  Sub Head का चयन करें जैसे Adv. payment of VAT, Adv. payment of CST, Demand of Penalty आदि 
9- >> के बटन पर क्लिक करें इस प्रकार आवश्यकतानुसार जिस Sub Head में राशी जमा करनी है उन्हें चयन कर सकते हैं .
10- Submit  के  बटन  पर क्लिक करें
11- अब E Challanके भरने की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जावेगी 
12- जिस जिले में व्यवहारी पंजीकृत है उस जिले का चयन करें
13- तत्पश्चात अपने कर निर्धारण अधिकारी के कार्यालय का चयन करें 
14-जिस जगह के कोषालय / उप कोषालय में राशी जमा करायी जानी है उसका चयन करें 
15- जिस समयावधि का कर जमा करवाना हैं उस समयावधि का चयन करें यदि 2010-11 से पूर्व की समयावधि की मांग जमा करवानी है तो Select period में one time का चयन करें जिससे चाही गयी समयावधि को टाइप अथवा चयन किया जा सकता है.
16- जमा कराइ जाने वाली राशी का सम्बंधित कॉलम में इन्द्राज करें.
17- Type of payment में Manual अथवा E- payment का चयन करें.

18- जिस बैंक में राशी जमा करा रहे हैं उस बैंक का नाम एंव ब्रांच का नाम चयन करें
19- यदि व्यवहारी अपंजीकृत है तो Remitter Name के आगे स्वयं अथवा अपनी फर्म का नाम भरें 
20- पंजीकृत फर्म द्वारा अपना TIN के कॉलम में TIN भरने पर फर्म का नाम अपने आप ही आ जायेगा 
21. जहाँ राशी जमा हो रही है वहां का  PIN Code aएंव  Remitter का Addr भरें 
22- अपने खंडीय कार्यालय का चयन करें 
23- सम्बंधित वृत्त एंव वार्ड का चयन करें 
24- Submit बटन दबा कर चालान पञ्च प्रति में  Print कर , सम्बंधित बैंक में राशी जमा करावें 13 2 2 1 1 www. 1 1

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Finance Department (FD), Government of Maharashtra, has decided to receive payments electronically. e-payment is a mode of payment in addition to the conventional methods of payment offered by the Government of Maharashtra. 
             The acceptance of on-line payment of Maharashtra State's Taxes through the internet portals of various banks have been developed, without having any implication on the existing procedure of the executive and accounting agencies of the Department.To avail of this facility the taxpayer is required to have a net-banking account with any of the banks listed by the government on this site.
                        This is a 24X7 facility and citizen can make the payment any time of the day. On-Line Filling of single challan form facilitates minimum fields of the challan to be filled. Instant online receipts for payment made and instant online banks transaction number becomes available. One can pay personal taxes as well as behalf of the firm,company and others.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Egras Seminar And Presentation seminar and presentation
Rajasthan government has conducted one day egras workshop( one day training program ) to train buinessman and dealers to train them about practical use of egras website. Main points of presentation are.
User registration
Create challan profile
Generating a challan.
Selection of payment method.
Taking printout of a challan.
View previous challan.

Who Can Use

Any user, who has to deposit government receipts, can use this facility. The user may be single person, name of association,entity, government/semi government units, departments etc.

What Is Egras

e-GRAS (electronic government receipts accounting system) means on line application to deposit all type of Rajasthan State government receipts using  website

Monday, 30 December 2013

new income tax return forms is a website for generating challan to pay vat(value added tax) or any other type of fee or tax to rajasthan government
1. What is

Online Government Receipts Accounting System (e-GRAS) is an e-Governance Initiative of Government of Rajasthan under Mission Mode Project category and is part of Integrated Financial Management System. e-GRAS facilitates collection of tax/non tax revenue in both the mode online as well as manual.

2. How to use egras?
Ans: To use egras first you have to register. For Limited access account with User Name "guest" and Password "guest" For Non-Registred User.

अधिक जानकारी हिंदी भाषा में जानने के लिए इस लिंक पर जाये  ई ग्रास चालान कैसे भरें

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